American clad, foreign, and other types of coins/tokens are displayed here.

It's still up in the air if the people of the U.S. will except the new "Golden Dollar". They are a good find though,
as you can see, I've found seven so far. The designer of the coin is Glenna Goodacre. She won the honor with three different
designs. The one with the baby added was the top winner. The young lady who modeled for the image is Randi L. Teton. The image
on the front of the coin is a representation of Sacagawea, a Native American who guided the Lewis and Clark Expedition to
the west in the 1700's. Other than Susan B. Anthony, she is the only other non president to be represented on an American
coin in recent years, with the exception of the state quarters.

The above coins are Kennedy half dollars. After his death in 1963, the public wanted Kennedy honored by placing his likeness
on a coin. The half dollar was selected. It currently carried the likeness of Benjamin Franklin/Liberty Bell.That design was
introduced in 1948. The coins new design was done by Gilroy Roberts and Frank Gasparro. It was issued in 1964, as standard
silver. In 1965, the silver was reduced to about a third of what it use to be, making it a silver clad coin. 1971, the silver
was removed and the coin was stuck as clad. In 1976, a quanity were struck again as silver clad. The back of the coin was
redesigned for the Bicentennial also. The next year, the coin returned to its standard design and clad production.
Below are some of the foreign coins that I've found. They are always a good find.

The two coins above are from Canada. Top one is a 1 cent with two maple leafs on it. It is made of bronze. The second coin,
is a 5 cent with a beaver on it. It is made of nickel. Both coins carry the image of Elizabeth II on the opposite side (not
shown). G D REGINA are also inscribed along with the portrait of Elizabeth II.

The four coins above are from Great Britain. The first is a 1 new penny, dated 1973, made of bronze. The second coin is a
2 new pence, dated 1971, made of bronze also. The third coin is a 5 pence (reduced size), the earlier ones were larger in
size. It is made of copper/nickel and dated 1990. The fourth coin is a 10 pence, dated 1992, made of copper/nickel also. All
four coins carry the image of Elizabeth II (not shown), and are also inscribed with the date and D GREG F D.

The above coin is from Japan. It is a 500 yen. It is made of copper/nickel. The image is of the Pawlownia flower. On
the other side, it is inscribed 500 yen and the Japanese charaters that represent the date and other information.
characters that reprsent the date on the coin, are the names of Japanese leaders of the country during the time the coin was
minted. Click on the above Japanese coin picture, to go to a very informative page on Japanese coins.
Thank you Shan
Marie for the information.

The two coins above are a 1 new peso and a 500 peso. The first coin is made of a stainless steel outer ring with the inner
part made of aluminum/bronze, and dated 1992. The second coin carries the likeness of Francisco Madero (not shown). The inscription
"Estados Unidos Mexicanos" translates in English " The United States of Mexico".

The above coin is from France. It is a 1 franc, dated 1970, and made of nickel.

The above coin is from the Netherlands. It is a 25 cent, dated 1980. It's made of nickel and also carries cock & star
privy mark. The other side is inscribed with the image/inscription of Juliana Koningin Der Nederlanden (not shown).

Above is a gold coin, front and back view. I found it at Cherry Grove Beach, South Carolina, Summer 2000. It was a spectacular
find. I carried it to a coin expert, and found out that it was a reproduction. It wasn't real. Everything that glitters isn't
always gold. But it still was a nice find. Maybe the next one will be real.

The coin above, I call it "The Golden Eagle". It was in a sandy area where I found it. When it came out of the sand,
I saw this eagle with a sheild, encircled by stars, It had the prettiest yellow shine also. I new that I had found a gold
coin! I turned it over to see the other side, written in big letters, NO CASH VALUE! It was a token. Still, it was an exciting
find, even if wasn't a gold coin.

This is a commemorative coin of the 25th anniversary of the Trinity Broadcasting Network.