"All I ever seem to find at the beach are pull tabs."
I was 10 years old when I got my first metal detector. All I can remember about the detector.... it was yellow, made
a lot of noise, and good for finding nails and scrap metal. When I grew tired of it, I took it a part with a screw driver.
It never worked again, but it was more fun doing that, than finding nails and scrap metal.
When I grew up, I bought
a Micronta 4003 VLF Metal Detector from Radio Shack. I found a couple of pennies and a few drink can pull tabs. It wasn't
much of a metal detector either. So I quit the hobby, again.
It has always been in the back of my mind that I wanted
to be a weekend treasure/relic hunter. One evening, about three years ago, I was watching the news. There was a commercial
break, and a White's Metal Detector commercial came on. The commercial made it look so easy to find stuff. I called the next
day for a free catalog. After getting the catalog, I looked through it and went to a local dealer. I decided on a detector,
then I started saving my money to buy it. Several weeks later, I purchased a White's 5900/Di Pro.
The first time I
used it, I found $2.00 in change and a toy car. After that first hunt, I returned to places I had hunted with the VLF detector,
and started finding all kinds of stuff with my new detector. Coins, jewelry, relics, anything metal. I was hooked and the
commercial was right, there are treasures beneath the soil to be found, where ever you search.

This picture is 99% accurate. The 1% that isn't, if you look closely at the cloth hanging from my apron, it's the wrong color.
Ha, Ha, Ha, just kidding. The art work shown here is a caricature done by Peter Battaglioli. As you can see, he is a very
good artist. Thanks Peter.