I finally dug something up!!!

Here is my best find ever!!! I finally found a Civil War relic!!! This is a C.S.A. button. It's a cast button, meaning
that it was made from molten metal that was poured into a sand mold. There is little information on this type of button, there
were produced in the South, after supply lines were cut off in the war. No information on the producers of the button type.

This is a 1915 Expo coin.
It was issued by the state of South Carolina and sold to obtain funds for the financing
of the South Carolina exhibit in the Panama-Pacific Exposition held in San Francisco in 1915. They are not particularly scarce,
but not common either. In nice condition (Uncirculated or nearly so) they bring about $50. But in worn condition, or dug,
or damaged in some way, they bring $20 or less retail.
Information provided by Tony Chibbaro.
Check out his awesome web site.
South Carolina Tokens

This is a 1930's advertizing token for Green River Whiskies. On the front it has an old nag horse and an old black man.
On the back, there is a horse shoe, four leaf clover, and a wishbone, all symbols of good luck or good fortune. The back also
has "It's Lucky to Drink Green River Whiskey" stamped on it.

The snake charm is stamped on the back .925 1ofaKind. It appears to be made of silver with a gold overlay.
gentleman recently e-mailed me. I lost his name, so I hope he writes back so I can include it here. He is in Oregon and found
the same charm on the beach on the West coast. That's pretty amazing in my book. I found this one on the east coast. Sir,
if you come here again, please e-mail me back so I can include your name. Thanks.]
The second is a 1955 Lincoln wheat
I found both on the beach at Cherry Grove, South Carolina. The charm was down abouth 3" deep in the low tide
line. The wheat cent was up in the sand above the high tide line. It probably was mixed in with some pocket change that someone
I also recovered $3.06 in lost coins, that count includes the wheat cent.

I found this nice coin today. It is a dollar from Canada. The other side (not shown) carries the likeness of Elizabeth II
and is dated 1867-1992.

This coin is called Lucky Mojo. It's a good luck coin. I was lucky I found it. I don't know how long its been around,
but it's well worn.
New information: My friend Carolyn Herel has provided me with a link to a site called Lucky Mojo. Just click on the picture to go there. It has a lot of information on good luck stuff.
Thanks Carolyn for the information.

Found this .925 silver ring today. It's shaped like a dolphin. It's broken, so that's why it got lost, or was thrown
away. It's still a good find, reguardless of its condition.

Found this modern horse shoe on the old farm. It's about twenty-five years old. That was when Uncle Ed owned the horse.

Found this at an old house site today. It's the little dog game piece from Monopoly.

This is the first silver nickel I've ever found. It's 1943 P. During WWII, 1942 to 1945, the silver was added to replace
the nickel it contained, because the nickel was removed and used for the war effort.

Found this cross and chain at the local lake today. It was about three inches deep. The lake level is being lowered,
for what purpuse, I don't know, but it gives me a chance to search where I normally couldn't search.

Another find from the local lake. It's part of a Berkeley Windproof Lighter.
The other side list the manufacturer: Flashlight Company of America, Jersey City, New Jersey.
This lighter was produced during the 1950's.

This is a silver diamond ring I found at the bottom of a small lake. The water level has been going down, due low
rain fall. It was buried about four inches deep. Sliver will tarnish and turn black in watery area's.
I carried it to the jeweler to have it cleaned. The cleaning process removed the blackness, but left the ring a gray
color. I made a cleaning paste out of backing soda, a couple drops of warm water and polished it to a bright luster. As you
can see in the before and after image.
By the way, the jeweler said the diamond is made of glass. He did say it was an old ring because of the "glass diamond".
They use that modern stuff now, CZ, cubits zeconium.